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Naofumi Otani stands in front of Taylor’s Corner in the Ishinomaki Senshu University Library,  Otani, the library director, says Taylor Anderson of Virginia taught Japanese at eight different schools in the Ishinomaki area. She died in the 3.11 tsunami after getting her students to safety. She decided to travel to her apartment on her bike and was overcome.


It had been Anderson’s dream to travel to Japan and become a bridge between the two countries. After her death, her parents donated books to the eight schools where Anderson taught.The bookshelves are made of wood from Japan and the U.S. to symbolize that bridge.


Otani is fluent in French and created a special program using The Little Prince from Taylor’s Corner. He said Anderson was very important to the community and made an impact on all the children.


Top photo and text by Sydney MacDonald - Bottom photo by Katy Spence

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